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Revelation 18 The Destruction of Babylon

Could this what John was talking about when he said, "Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the...

Revelation 17 The Woman Rides the Beast

Here we see the exposure, explanation and end of The Great Prostitute "5 And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the...

Revelation Ch 12 Part 3, Ch 13 Intro

Here we find ourselves at the mid point of the 7 year tribulation, the point at which, to quote Jesus in Matthew 24:15-16: “So when you...

Revelation 12 Part 2 - Thy Kingdom Come

Here in verses 7-12 John sets our focus on a symbol or sign of the eternal battle between Yahweh and Lucifer, AKA Satan, lets us know...

Revelation Chapter 7 - Recorded Dec 2020

Jerry continues his in-depth study into The Book of The Revelation from Jesus Christ. This week is Chapter 7 . We named this bible study...

Rev Chap 4 - the 7's of Revelation

Recorded Sept 24, 2020 - in this ongoing study in Revelation Jerry reveals the 7's of Revelation as we dive into Chap 4.

The Writing on the Wall

This week's continued study in the book of the Revelation, brings us to the old testament book of Daniel. This was recorded live, at...

Our Revelation Journey Continues....

As we continue our study through the book of the Revelation, now 8 months in, it's very interesting to watch our world unravel as...

Good Friday 2020

Recorded message from the Live video call on April 10, 2020, 3PM.

Revelation and Daniel Chapters 1 and 2

Here's the zoom video recording of the lesson from last Thursday, April 2, 2020. Feel free to ask a question or leave a comment. Bible...

Revelation & Matthew 24

Zoom is pretty awesome! What a blessing to be able to virtually gather and still "shetered in place." Next wee kit will work better. So...

Blog: Blog2
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