Since this book is the revelation of Jesus Christ, we thought it quite appropriate to review the Gospel scripture that reveals His nature.
There are a zillion books and videos that sell books on all of the topics we cover. I am often asked the question, "Did you read the book XXXX by so-and-so on this topic?" and most often the answer is "No." I am afraid that I distrust any source whose purpose is making money, so I don't waste much time on them. Please do not take this as a blanket condemnation of authors selling books. I'm just doing time management. I just recently bought another hard cover Stong's Concordance. I may get around to buying other books about the bible after I finish with the bible itself. But that will likely take the rest of my life. I truly believe the best commentary on the bible is in the bible.
As I have mentioned, I do listen to many other teachers. I always enjoy Gayle Erwin's warm, personal and humerus style. (I also steal his jokes.) I believe he is blessed with the ability to make scripture very personal, and he gives all his teaching away for free, though you can buy hard copy if you like having a book in your hand.
Last week, Mary gave you a synopsis of Gayle's 4-session study on the Nature of Jesus. I taught the same lesson in prison last week. I encourage you to listen to the whole series as it is life-changing, inspirational and entertaining. Here are the links:
Nature Of Jesus
On his website,, you will find dozens of other resources.
This Thursday, 10/10, we will be covering Chapter 1:4-8 and looking into what it means to be "priests to serve his God and Father," the certainty of Christ's second coming and why "all people on earth will mourn because of Him."
See you Thursday!